Subj: Driving the Shoulder#26 (part 1) Date: 94-08-13 00:22:22 EDT From: L7s

Subj: Driving the Shoulder#26 (part 1) Date: 94-08-13 00:22:22 EDT From: L7s

Crew View-Driving the Shoulder#26 (part 1) (Aug. 3-Providence, R.I.) By Double O Joe We sat in a Los Angeles parking lot style traffic jam on the Rhode Island highway, our speedy trip to the show now an impossible dream. The kids in the cars around us kept jumping out to piss in the bushes or change seats. Basically it was a slow moving tailgate party, which is fine if you don’t have a life, but we do. L7’s road crew is a precision machine,

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Subj: Driving the Shoulder (part 2) Date: 94-08-13 00:27:59 EDT From: L7s

Subj: Driving the Shoulder (part 2) Date: 94-08-13 00:27:59 EDT From: L7s

Driving the Shoulder #26 (part 2)

We (the Band) left an hour after the crew, enjoying our status as “the Talent”. Everyone took a cab except for me, I hitched a ride with our Reprise/Warner rep. Helena. Helena and I left about fifteen minutes before the rest did with two hours to do what should have been forty minutes. We were flying down the highway up until we hit the same log jam that the bus was entangled in. We sat and we sat then we would dribble forward a few inches than sat some more.

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“Fire Eating Lesbians” #28 (Aug12-13, Atlanta)

“Fire Eating Lesbians” #28 (Aug12-13, Atlanta)

Every now and than one of the Lollapalovehandle bands will play an extra gig at night or on a night off. Most of these shows are unannounced and are the best bet for a fun evening. On this, the night of the 12th of Aug., everyone (and I’m talking all of the 300 plus people who are part of Loafapaloosers) agreed to meet first at the warehouse where Tribe was playing than

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Subj: Crew View No. Two #19 Date: 94-08-07 11:50:46 EDT From: L7s

Subj: Crew View No. Two #19 Date: 94-08-07 11:50:46 EDT From: L7s

Crew View No. Two #19 (July 23-Flint, Mi.)

Hello everyone this is Double O Joe, I’m in charge of the snow, but that is not really relevant to this entry. Tonight we are staying in Flint, Michigan, about an hour from Detroit, and a half hour from Lollapalooza. All the other bands are spread out across lower Michigan. In other words, we are out in the boondocks,

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