(NEWS) Descemer 15, 2012: Live Performance: Ronnie James and Evie Evil’s Bday at the Viper Room

Ronnie Elvis James rules. He plays in Warner Drive, DJs at the Viper Room, is the guitarist in the Shocker (that is the band we play in together), and may I say, one of the best friends. Our adventures together have been epic and his support over these last couple of years blows my mind. SO of course when it comes to his bday, I am ready to roll.

Ronnie called me up a day before and said that he had gotten as many of the past Shocker members to come onstage and do a song. Evie Evil played a few songs as well and Justin and I got to sing backup on Rise Above (Black Flag).

Although I hadn’t stepped on stage in 4 years, it was pretty much the best thing ever.

(NEWS) June 25, 2011 – It’s Cancer: Annual Examine with Dr. Ronald Sue…

June 25, 2011 – Annual Examine with Dr. Ronald Sue and SURPRISE! Thyroid cancer! It’s my second major surgery of the year. I’ve had no major medical issues my entire life, other then instances of bruised ego and a broken heart here and there. For any friends I didn’t get to speak to personally when I found out, I am sorry, I just found out myself 3 weeks ago and rushed to tie up work, life, make sure everything was ok at home. All is well, next step may or may not be radiation and sexy hospital gowns.

(NEWS) Vice Magazine Article On My Photography

A while ago a very nice gal from France contacted me to do an interview and a layout of my photos for Vice Magazine France. It was slow going as I had to go hunt down a bunch of images to scan. We did the interview and it appeared in print in French, but then Lo and behold, US Vice translated the article back into English (by the way, totally hilarious, I don’t even recognize what I was saying)
