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Three Daves, a Kim, and Saggy B00–bEEs
Photo by Jennifer Finch
It is a photo of Dave Grohl sitting on a borrowed drum kit at the “home garage turned practice space” of another iconic “Dave drummer,” Dave Nazworthy, aka Dave Naz.
Dave Naz’s practice space was home to many late 1980s / 1990s Los Angeles punk, grunge, and garage rock bands, including Naz’s own band, Chemical People (where he played drums and sang), and later Down By Law with Dave Smalley (as though there weren’t enough ‘Daves’ in this story), who was also in Dag Nasty (a Washington D.C. connection as well).
Dave Grohl is playing on Dave Naz’s red drum kit because he was filling in for another legendary drummer, Dee Plakas, for an L7 show in January 1991. L7 also shared this space.
As if that wasn’t enough to extract from one photo, Grohl is sitting in front of a pentagram that someone awkwardly graffitied on the wall, and if you look closely, a second person came in later and wrote the words “Saggy Boobies” to describe the strange shape of the satanic and menacing symbol. That “art critic” was none other than Kim Shattuck of The Muffs and later The Pixies.
L7, The Muffs, Chemical People, Redd Kross, and others shared this space and equipment for years and hold many special memories and gratitude to Dave Naz and the Nazworthy family for their love of underground music and for providing (and holding) the space. Dave Naz has an incredible career as a photographer @davenaz and still plays music. RIP to Kim Shattuck @kimshattuck who we lost to ALS in 2019.
#DaveGrohl #DaveNaz #DaveSmally #KimShattuck #saggyboobies
#ChemicalPeople #PunkHistory #GrungeEra #L7theband #grunge #themuffs @themuffsofficial #chemicalpeople @L7theband @foofighters @davestruestories #jenniferfinch