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Subj: Color Coordination #10 Date: 94-07-18 22:43:38 EDT From: L7s
Subj: Color Coordination #10 Date: 94-07-18 22:43:38 EDT From: L7s
Color Coordination and the System (July 8) Denver #10
(OOps) I spaced out on telling y’all about the Rock the Vote commercial spot we did in Denver back on the 8th (it must have been the altitude!). The folks at Rock the Vote have this new campaign called Rock the System which is currently dedicated to educating people about health care reform. To do this they raised a bunch of money to assemble a nifty booklet with simple explanations of this very complicated subject. They then got a bunch of band people to blab about the book on film with the hopes of encouraging everyone to call and order this bit of free information. . Not only does it’s main body of text demystify this tangled web of confusion but, it also includes hyper-text sections of vocabulary and short explanations of related words and expressions. Very easy for my two minute mind to digest, even as we are bouncing down the highway.
These public service announcements are always done in front of special screens that allow the editors to put in other images behind the subjects (in this case, that would be us). Last time we did a p.s.a. for them, back in 1992, we had a problem with the background screen, which was blue and Donita’s hair, which was blue. It seems that her hair would disappear and she would look like a Hair Club for Men candidate. The problem was solved (although we do think for the most part “Bald is Beautiful”) with a temporary, black, spray-in, hair dye. This time we had the same problem, but with a different dye job/screen combination. The screen, which was black, and Donita’s hair, which is now (you guessed it) BLACK. The problem was solved with the borrowing of a baseball cap. Oh well!?! Color coordination never made a strong presence in our camp anyway.(LOL) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THIS FREE BOOK call 1-800-ROCK VOTE